*❤. awws abowt me! .❤*

so hewes da basiks

mine names is Ameileia Jeweliette Melodie, but juss cawws mees Mia! In da SL yew tan finds me unnew da name Jeweliette Melodie. mees dis meny yeaws owd (howds up a few wandom finnews on boffs hans and says..) dats tew yeaws owds! i dots wed haiws an i haffs viowets eyes, an i luffs dems awws! wanna sees? hewe (hands yew a pikshuws of mees)

yah dats mees! mees luuuhhffs da coddew purpuhls, an mine baby puppy Cookie, hews dowables! wookit hews (hands yew anuffew pikshuw)

see, mees tewweds yews! dowables! hews wikes tew sweepins on hew bak tumtimes an den hew tubby widdew bewwy stiks up an i patted its hehehe.

oh waits bak tew da basiks...
uhm, mees hates da coddew pink, an mees lewjik tews 'ananas, an dumm, wude, mean pepuhls.

uhm i fink dats awws bowts da basiks, checks owts mine offew pages hehehe :)